"And after that, he stops to shoot up steroids; that's when you can hit him..."
Creative juices are flowing today... Going to clean my room and then work on some stuff. Garrett has seemed pretty intent on getting together this summer and actually making something game-wise. Had the idea for some sort of Collectable Card Game...which after thinking it over wouldn't be that hard to do at all, in comparison to other types of projects. Also, Wes also seems pretty serious about his Bono vs. AIDS idea, lol. Since he wants do do it on cell phones, I'm going to read some stuff about mobile gaming, something I've kind of ignored and honestly know next to nothing about.
My car has a flat tire =\. Luckily, my parents gave me the 4 tires off of their van last week, which I've just neglected to have put on just yet. Now would be a good time for that.
My car has a flat tire =\. Luckily, my parents gave me the 4 tires off of their van last week, which I've just neglected to have put on just yet. Now would be a good time for that.
Today was a pretty good day.
Erin spent the night last night. We woke up around 10 or so, but just laid there in bed for quite awhile after that, as is usually the case. We both decided we were hungry, at about which time Tessa called. She came by and we all went to Big Lots so Erin could look at couches, after which we all went to the Texas Roadhouse to eat. I'd never been before, and my first impression was that the place was very...erm...western. It actually turned out to be pretty good. I got portabello chicken (I think thats what it was called) and Erin got what was probably the most pansy $8 steak I've ever seen. We got funny looks from the bartender the entire time...which might have, sort have, could have had something to do with Tessa and Erin spitting peanuts at each other the entire time we were eating, lol...
Not long after we got back Erin had to leave...work =\. I got online after that, where Wes was able to catch me. Its been a while since I've hung out with Wes. He mentioned he was going to the Fort Henery Mall in search of a staregy guide for La Pucelle Tactics, and asked if I wanted to go, which was cool. We went there, and then by Barnes & Noble, where Wes was overjoyed to find and purchase a copy of Edge (see 3 entries down) magazine ^_^. We spent most of the time talking about games, as usual. Which never, ever gets old. After he left and I reflected on our conversation, I realized how thankful I am to have a friend like Wes who "gets it"...as well as being an all-around good guy.
I haven't done much else... Erin and I watched Meet the Fockers yesterday, which while good, didn't quite best the original for me. I messed around with my new DVR box today only to discover the goddamn video on demand doesn't work. They're supposed to send a guy out Friday to take a look. I tried to catch up on music some too. I downloaded Mudvayne's new CD, which I'm withholding judgement for until I can listen to it some more, as well as Team Sleep's (Deftones' Chino Moreno's side-project) album which is amazing.
I guess that's it. It's 5 in the morning and I'm still not sleepy. I can see the sun creeping up behing the hills, so I'll probably grab the comforter and go lie on the couch anyway.
Erin spent the night last night. We woke up around 10 or so, but just laid there in bed for quite awhile after that, as is usually the case. We both decided we were hungry, at about which time Tessa called. She came by and we all went to Big Lots so Erin could look at couches, after which we all went to the Texas Roadhouse to eat. I'd never been before, and my first impression was that the place was very...erm...western. It actually turned out to be pretty good. I got portabello chicken (I think thats what it was called) and Erin got what was probably the most pansy $8 steak I've ever seen. We got funny looks from the bartender the entire time...which might have, sort have, could have had something to do with Tessa and Erin spitting peanuts at each other the entire time we were eating, lol...
Not long after we got back Erin had to leave...work =\. I got online after that, where Wes was able to catch me. Its been a while since I've hung out with Wes. He mentioned he was going to the Fort Henery Mall in search of a staregy guide for La Pucelle Tactics, and asked if I wanted to go, which was cool. We went there, and then by Barnes & Noble, where Wes was overjoyed to find and purchase a copy of Edge (see 3 entries down) magazine ^_^. We spent most of the time talking about games, as usual. Which never, ever gets old. After he left and I reflected on our conversation, I realized how thankful I am to have a friend like Wes who "gets it"...as well as being an all-around good guy.
I haven't done much else... Erin and I watched Meet the Fockers yesterday, which while good, didn't quite best the original for me. I messed around with my new DVR box today only to discover the goddamn video on demand doesn't work. They're supposed to send a guy out Friday to take a look. I tried to catch up on music some too. I downloaded Mudvayne's new CD, which I'm withholding judgement for until I can listen to it some more, as well as Team Sleep's (Deftones' Chino Moreno's side-project) album which is amazing.
I guess that's it. It's 5 in the morning and I'm still not sleepy. I can see the sun creeping up behing the hills, so I'll probably grab the comforter and go lie on the couch anyway.
June 14th...

It's nothing
Turn around
To my heart, bound
No time
Starting now
Time to turn it around
No fear
By myself
I learned the drill
On my
Way out
Right now
Time to try and get out
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start revolution
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
A fucking revolution
I stab
My foot
Against you
You're one of them
You call
A victim
But you're at it again
I failed
You make me kill
Now I
But I
Right now
Time try to get out
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start revolution
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
A fucking revolution
I'll take it all
Gimme some more
I'll take it all
No fear
By myself
I learned the drill
On my
Way out
Right now
Time to try and get out
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start revolution
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
I'll start a war and
A fucking revolution
I want it all
I'll start a war
I'll take it all
Changed my background today to a cool wallpaper I found for Lumines. This game alone is enough to make me put down $250 for a PSP. Mizuguchi has managed to make one of the most addictive games I've ever played...

It has bite =(
Just got back from Barnes & Noble. I was bored so I just went to go hang out for awhile and read some stuff i didn't have money to buy. I've determined that Edge magazine is the second coming of Next Gen, and now my new favorite gaming mag. Too bad its a UK publication or I'd happily put down the cash for a subscription. As it stands, I'll be happy grabbing a copy from B&N each month, epecially seeing as how it has a big "Sold Exclusively at Barnes & Noble!" sticker slapped on the front of it, heh. I also checked out the new issue of Play, looked at some more of the Episode III books, and some other cool book about conspiracies within the government, lol.
On my way home I decided that there must obviously be shortage of 20 oz. bottles of Barq's Root Beer in Johnson City. Neither Shell, Chevron, or Appco had even one, nor have they for 1 or 2 weeks now. This of course because only a few weeks ago I stocked up on about twenty-five 30 cent off coupons to help make feeding my habit a little cheaper.
Not much else happened today. I did download and burn the Episode III soundtrack, which is amazing. Oh, and have managed to secure 2 tickets for Erin and I to the midnight showing in Abingdon, thanks to Matt. Let the anticipation begin.
On my way home I decided that there must obviously be shortage of 20 oz. bottles of Barq's Root Beer in Johnson City. Neither Shell, Chevron, or Appco had even one, nor have they for 1 or 2 weeks now. This of course because only a few weeks ago I stocked up on about twenty-five 30 cent off coupons to help make feeding my habit a little cheaper.
Not much else happened today. I did download and burn the Episode III soundtrack, which is amazing. Oh, and have managed to secure 2 tickets for Erin and I to the midnight showing in Abingdon, thanks to Matt. Let the anticipation begin.
Hello update...
No other word can have such negative and positive implications, over such a short period of time.
Haven't updated in a LONG time. The cable has been off (including the internet) for awhile now. Should be back on by the end of the month. As a result, updates have been non-exsitant. Ironiclly, this internet-less period has turned out to be one of the most tulmutuous times of my entire life. During this time, I made a ton of offline entries on my computer, vowing to post them at the first opportunity. I've deleted all of those now...some of them angry and spiteful, some of them optimistic and hopefull, some of them downright depressed. This is the only entry that matters now. Funny how things work out...my first chance to put anything on here is on Erin's laptop, which she left for me to play the Sims 2 on, and to root some viruses off of.
I'm not even going to try to document everything that's happened in the last month or so. I don't need to. Maria's gone. I had some pretty negative things to put in here, about her. Lots of them. People talk... By this point I almost just feel sorry for her. She lies. To me. To her friends. To the person she's with now. She lies to everyone she comes in contact with. About stupid stuff. About not-so-stupid stuff. But...she's gone now, and it didn't take me very long to realize that I was, in fact, better for it. But somehow, before she did leave I was too blind to see that. Even with what I knew she was doing. I overheard Gloria, a girl at work, tell somebody one day, "Love makes you stupid--you don't believe things that you should." That was me. And that's about all there is to say about that.
The day she left one of the first things I did was call Garrett. We had already patched things up between us online, but I hadn't got to hang out with him on account of Maria being fiercely against it. Ironiclly enough I run into him at EB the next day. I wasn't really in great spirits yet, but in our hanging out he happened to mention a friend of Tessa's who's boyfriend had just dumped her and who was really cool. I trust Garrett's judgement, so I was up for the idea. I come home from work one day a week later and him, Tessa and the girl, Erin, are all there. We're introduced, and we all socialized for a few hours. I didn't really get to talk to her much, but she was definately cute and seemed cool enough. She had a BB gun, lol... We all agreed we would go see Sin City this past Saturday night. So Saturday came and we went to the movie, and things went good. I still didn't get a chance to really talk to her one-on-one like I wanted to... After the movie we all came back here, where I showed her the Happy Tree Friends, lol. Garrett and Tessa left for her house and luckily...Erin decided to stay for a little while =). She seemed so genuine. And so eager to listen to anything I had to say...it was really very nice. In conversation I mentioned that Punch Drunk Love was my favorite movie ever, and we agreed to watch it. She curled up in my lap. The movie played. We talked. Over the course of those 2 hours, my recent ideas on love in general managed to make a 180-degree turn. We fell asleep on the couch that night, the both of us.
So this is what I wanted to post. None of the other stuff I had wrote matters now. The past is the past, and this is now. And now...is good.
I've got some things to do. I'll likely post again later tonight, or in the morning.
Daisuke: "It's not easy for a man to be courageous when he doesn't want to be."
J: "Yes. But he doesn't always have a choice."
No other word can have such negative and positive implications, over such a short period of time.
Haven't updated in a LONG time. The cable has been off (including the internet) for awhile now. Should be back on by the end of the month. As a result, updates have been non-exsitant. Ironiclly, this internet-less period has turned out to be one of the most tulmutuous times of my entire life. During this time, I made a ton of offline entries on my computer, vowing to post them at the first opportunity. I've deleted all of those now...some of them angry and spiteful, some of them optimistic and hopefull, some of them downright depressed. This is the only entry that matters now. Funny how things work out...my first chance to put anything on here is on Erin's laptop, which she left for me to play the Sims 2 on, and to root some viruses off of.
I'm not even going to try to document everything that's happened in the last month or so. I don't need to. Maria's gone. I had some pretty negative things to put in here, about her. Lots of them. People talk... By this point I almost just feel sorry for her. She lies. To me. To her friends. To the person she's with now. She lies to everyone she comes in contact with. About stupid stuff. About not-so-stupid stuff. But...she's gone now, and it didn't take me very long to realize that I was, in fact, better for it. But somehow, before she did leave I was too blind to see that. Even with what I knew she was doing. I overheard Gloria, a girl at work, tell somebody one day, "Love makes you stupid--you don't believe things that you should." That was me. And that's about all there is to say about that.
The day she left one of the first things I did was call Garrett. We had already patched things up between us online, but I hadn't got to hang out with him on account of Maria being fiercely against it. Ironiclly enough I run into him at EB the next day. I wasn't really in great spirits yet, but in our hanging out he happened to mention a friend of Tessa's who's boyfriend had just dumped her and who was really cool. I trust Garrett's judgement, so I was up for the idea. I come home from work one day a week later and him, Tessa and the girl, Erin, are all there. We're introduced, and we all socialized for a few hours. I didn't really get to talk to her much, but she was definately cute and seemed cool enough. She had a BB gun, lol... We all agreed we would go see Sin City this past Saturday night. So Saturday came and we went to the movie, and things went good. I still didn't get a chance to really talk to her one-on-one like I wanted to... After the movie we all came back here, where I showed her the Happy Tree Friends, lol. Garrett and Tessa left for her house and luckily...Erin decided to stay for a little while =). She seemed so genuine. And so eager to listen to anything I had to say...it was really very nice. In conversation I mentioned that Punch Drunk Love was my favorite movie ever, and we agreed to watch it. She curled up in my lap. The movie played. We talked. Over the course of those 2 hours, my recent ideas on love in general managed to make a 180-degree turn. We fell asleep on the couch that night, the both of us.
So this is what I wanted to post. None of the other stuff I had wrote matters now. The past is the past, and this is now. And now...is good.
I've got some things to do. I'll likely post again later tonight, or in the morning.
Daisuke: "It's not easy for a man to be courageous when he doesn't want to be."
J: "Yes. But he doesn't always have a choice."