And another one bites the dust.
Erin and I were playing Rock Band a couple nights ago and having a great time, when all of a sudden at the end of a song the game froze. No big deal, I reset the game and we started again. Then it froze again. And again. We swapped the game out and it froze yet again. And happened. 3 red lights.

Coincidentally, it happened on the same game, and almost the exact same time as last year. Only this time it was on our Elite, which we hastily went out and bought when our original system died last December...because we needed a "backup". So while I had second thoughts at that time, it was pretty awesome Sunday to just fill out a repair order, plug up the other Xbox, and keep on playing. The "coffin" should come today. Goodnight sweet prince...

Coincidentally, it happened on the same game, and almost the exact same time as last year. Only this time it was on our Elite, which we hastily went out and bought when our original system died last December...because we needed a "backup". So while I had second thoughts at that time, it was pretty awesome Sunday to just fill out a repair order, plug up the other Xbox, and keep on playing. The "coffin" should come today. Goodnight sweet prince...
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