
Now Playing 04/23/07

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Only 30 minutes left. I worked 12-8 last night and I'm ready to go home and pass out. I'm off Friday and Saturday and dont have to come back until midnight Sunday night...that is if we didn't have a meeting at 4:00 today. Its for all of the Front Desk people...all 4 of us. I desperately need to get tires on my car and was going to do so today, but now I don't know. I'm going to have to sleep before I do anything, and by the time I wake up I won't have enough time to go do and still be back here by 4, so said meeting really screws up everything. It probably won't even be about anything they haven't already told us anyway.

I have had horrible heartburn all night long. I get it bad everytime I make tacos for dinner. It's wierd because eating, say, Taco Bell doesn't give me heartburn any worse than most other stuff, but when we buy everything and I make it myself I'm always miserable that night. So no more of that...

I saw Grindhouse with Will last Saturday. I really, really liked it (as shown in my previous title), and it's pretty aggrivating to see tanking at the box office. Death Proof might have had the best car chase I have ever seen. Thinking back on the movie I can't think of one thing I didn't like about it. I'd love to see it again in theaters but I probably won't be able to, especially since it's not making enough money. Now I just hope for a DVD release where I can watch both films and the extras the way they were presented in the theater.

Erin has the next 10 days off of work, most of them paid. It's going to be vacation of sorts for her...she's pretty fed up with her job and really needs some time away from it. It sucks that we won't really have any money to do much, but I have to work anyhow. Still, it will be awesome just to have her at home all the time for almost 2 weeks.

My replacement is here...gotta wrap this up.


"Give him the gun. Give him ALL the guns!"

I'm at work. I've got about an hour left. Mondays always suck...I usually work from midnight until 8am Sunday night/Monday morning, go home and try to sleep some, then get up and come right back in from 4-12. I figured I'd make a new post on here to kill some time. I've just been sitting here in the office browsing gamedev sites and eating Red Hots (I have no idea who's they are) for the last hour or so. It hasn't been a busy day. I've thought alot about my game (Color Bind) today and how I haven't been working on it as much as I should. I plan on changing that this week. Its hard to work 40 hours a week, spend time with your friends and girlfriend, do the mundane, day-to-day tasks that need to be done, have a little fun time (read: PSU) and then try to make a game too. It's a shitty excuse. If I truly wanted to finish it I'd make time somehow. And it's not that I don't want to...rather I just need to get my priorities in order. Which I will. This whole ordeal is like one big test for me and my horrible procastination.

Bah, I have to take a rollaway bed up to someone's room.