
Very good, but brick not hit back.

Bloodsport is such an awesome movie. We got it from Netflix yesterday and Erin watched it with me. The movie really is the epitome of 80's martial art movies, especially the soundtrack. Nostalgia aside, the fight scenes are still great and it has all the trappings of most other good JCVD movies: a gratuitous ammount of scenes showing Van Damme doing splits, Bolo Yeung, slo-mo jump spinning heel kicks, and hilarious training montages.


Death Race

I'm not sure how you could make a movie called "Death Race" boring, but somebody managed to pull it off.



I have way too many things on my plate right now. In an effort to figure out how many things I actually do have going on, I thought I'd try and make a list. Hopefully this will help me prioritize? (not my strong suit...)

-I'm porting a major project at work right now, which could very likely require overtime pretty soon.
-I am redesigning Color Bind for XNA Community Games (again) and want to get it launched as quickly as possible.
-I'm working on porting Color Bind to mobile phones again for a contest that requires you to use a particular set of development tools.
-I need to read a pile of programming and math books I've acquired over the past few months.
-I'm trying to make time to learn how to play the awesome guitar I got for Christmas.
-I really want to get back into learning Japanese. I was doing great before I slacked off.
-Because of all the other stuff going on our new apartment is still in need of some serious unpacking (which is why i haven't posted any pictures here yet).
-I was doing great with a regular exercise regiment before the holidays...not so much lately.
-I've been having a lot of fun helping Wes out with the revival of Idle Hours (his game website) and I want to do a lot more stuff for it.
-In an effort to become more independent in developing games, I want to practice drawing and pixel art again, as well as learn how to use some music editing software.
-In addition to all of the above I am also trying to find time to play games with Erin (Rock Band 2, Animal Crossing, Scene It, Halo3, ect.) and also the games I play by myself.

I don't know if I need to make a priority list, or schedule or what. I know I can do all this stuff, but I just can't seem to find the time necessary. And I am constantly forgetting to spend time on several of these things every week.

I think the core of the problem is that a lot of the things on this list, namely anything game development related, is being done in hopes that I can become financially independent eventually. But...I'm not right now, so I also have to do 40+ hours at my job every week. If I could just get rid of that...things would be awesome. But who doesn't think that?