
*WARNING* -- Graphic Images

Yeah, so I hurt my leg pretty bad yesterday. I was a moron and locked the car keys (and thus, the house key) in here when I was carrying out stuff to go do laundry. Luckily there was a window that is unlocked. Inside, underneath the window is my crappy 19-inch television on a glass-top coffee table. So I stacked up some cinder blocks and climed through, then slid the tv over while balancing in the window on my stomach. I then climbed down into the coffee table very awkwardly, and the way my knee was on it caused it to shatter. The result: I looked down to find a piece of glass wedged between the coffe table and my knee, the sharp end embedded about in inch deep. I was able to raise myself up and it fell out, but the damage was done. I had 2 other puncture wounds around the pain stab wound, so i guess a few other pieces got me before I looked down. but just didnt stick.

So I ran into the bathroom freaking out and wondering how bad it was, trying to hold my short's leg up as not to get blood stains all over them. I sat on the toilet and had a close look at it, which immediately brought back memories of slicing my inner top lip open on one of my teeth while goofing off at my and Jesse's old apartment. That was probably the worst I have ever hurt myself and the only time I required immediate medical attention. Much like that would, I looked into this one and saw stuff like the second layer of skin (dermis) and fat tissue. Stuff you're not really ever supposed to see. This was possible because the wound wasn't gushing blood, which was relieving. The first thing that came to mind after looking at this hole in my leg was, "Oh fuck, I might need stitches." I currently have no form of medical insurance which means said stitches would have to come directly out of my pocket. The second thing I thought to myself was, "I can't get stitches. The Wii comes out in a week and a half and I won't be able to afford it!". This reminded me of issue #38 of Next-Generation (R.I.P.) magazine that had a cover story entitled, "you're not a hardcore gamer unless..." In it was a list comprised of thing that would make you a hardcore gamer, and you would check off the ones you had actually done at some point. There was also a part where they let people write in about their own hardcore gamer moments. For a moment I wished I had a time machine so I could go back to 1998 and write in about the time "I wouldn't get stitches in a serious stab wound for fear that I wouldnt be able to buy the new Nintendo system coming out the next week." I calmed down, cleaned the stab wound up a bit, and because I apparently wasn't thinking atright enough at the time to remember that Erin has a first-aid kit, I folded up a paper towel and duck taped it to my bleeding leg. The odd thing was that there really had been no pain. I'm pretty sure I wasnt in shock or anything. I could walk on it fine, which meant I hadn't hit any muscle tissue. I so I headed back outside to go do laundry, and stop at a drug store to buy some stuff to fix myself up more properly. On the way Erin called from work. I explained to her what had happened and she really didnt want me to do laundry and thought I just wait at home until it was time to get pick her up. She was pretty freaked out by the whole thing, and still is really.

So I came back home, took pictures to post on here (see below) and put neosporin and an actual bandage on it. After I picked up Erin from work later, I also got some Hydrogen Peroxide to help disinfect it. Which is basiclly hat i did this morning. Poured more Peroxide over it, more neosporin and anorher bandage. It still doesnt hurt, unless I bend my leg too much, which stretched the cut. I think it helps that my leg was bent when I got stabbed, so when I straighten it it helps close it up. It's still bleeding some into the bandage I have on now, but I think that's mostly due to the fact that the glass was about 1/8 inch thick, so the wound is open wider, as opposed to getting stabbed with a knife. I'm pretty sure as long as I can keep it from getting infected, it'll heal up fine. Here are the pictures I took:

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The murder weapon.

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Despite this I'm in a great mood today. My parents bought me a car! It's a 1992 Buick Regal. I've only seen pictures so far, but I think I'll be able to go pick it up Friday after I get tags and insurance for it. So I'll FINALLY be mobile again. Also, to offset those disturbing images of both my stab wound and my pale white legs, here is an image of an adorable kitty cat:

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Argh...I still haven't had time to make much of an update. I work at Wal-Mart now, and have for about the last month. It's not as horrible as I thought it would be so I'll likely be there at least until my game is done. I'm still working on it, although it's been tough trying to work on it while having a real job too. It's taken twice as long as I thought it would to complete it, but I will finish it. It's just in too much of an advanced stage not to. I'm mainly hammering out aesthetics and the UI as well as figuring out how to adapt it to different handsets. I'll post some screens here in the next few days and I'm going to try to update my development blog soon as well.

So I was off yesterday and today. I got my driver's license back last week, finally. I had lost it for some dumb stuff like forgetting to pay a traffic ticket... I don't have my own car though, so Erin and I have had to find creative ways for both of us to get to work and back home which sometimes results in my having to hang out at Wal-Mart for a few hours after I get off. Sometimes my parents will come give me a ride, which helps. Yesterday I took Erin to work, hung out with Wes some, went back to have lunch with Erin and then met up with Will to see Borat (WHICH WAS GREAT SUCCESS!). Today after taking to Erin to work I've just been working on the game some more and cleaning the house a bit. After typing this I have to go do laundry and pick up Erin at 7.

I noticed earlier that I've felt pretty "blah" for awhile recently. Like I'm just kind of going in slow-motion, and its its been hard to muster the energy to do much. It sucks and I've tried to break myself out of it today by forcing myself out of this chair to clean up the kitchen and vacuum. Maybe it's the cold weather?

The Wii comes out in les than 2 weeks! I'm off that Saturday night and current plans are to line up at Wal-Mart early in the day and wait until midnight. I don't know who all will be there, but Garrett wil probably come, and Matt said he would. I think Jesse will be there too, and Will and Jeremy, while not buying Wiis that day, said they would come by and hang out too, so it should be pretty awesome. I wanted to get alot more stuff initially, but in light of the presents I want to buy for Christmas I'm just going to get the system, another controller and Excite Truck. To say that I am excited would be an understatement.