Per usual, I suck horribly at updating my blog. It's not like anything interesting hasn't happened since my last post, only now I'd never remember all of it if I tried to go back and recap. Oh well. I do, however, still plan to put some pics of our new car up here at some point...only it really needs to be washed first.
Right now I am mainly struggling with trying to manage priorities. I've lived in Raleigh for a year now and have been at my job for a year. Everything is well and good, but I feel like I am standing still. Getting my job and moving here was a huge step, but since then I've just sat back and enjoyed everything. It's been easy to do because life is undoubtedly better than it's ever been for me, but I'm still stopped short of accomplishing the huge laundry list of goals that I have. I just haven't been making any progress on anything at all. I got a late start on the whole getting a good-paying job thing anyway, so I really need to be on the ball. Just off the top of my head I want to:
-Pay off all of our debt faster (need even more monies to do this).
-Get another car.
-Buy a house!
-The above needs to be settled before we can have kids.
-Get in better shape
-Take a trip to Tokyo (ideally before the kids come)
-Work on any of the 10 or so ideas I have for games in my spare time...I've started none so far. I also want to port Color Bind to XNA.
-Learn a bunch of new things. More programming stuff mainly. I really need to improve my math skills. This goes hand-in-hand with getting a better job.
-Learn at least basic conversational Japanese.
And tons of other things I'm forgetting. Lately though, I've been pretty much stuck in a rut. When I am at home I don't do much of anything other than play games and watch T.V. Somehow, someway I need to suck it up and put off doing "fun" stuff until I get some of these more important things behind me. And I will. It's just hard... I'm such a poor manager of time :(