Indiana Jones and the Widescreen Boxset of Doom
I changed some of my random blog images at the top of the page around. Deleted a few and added some new ones. Alot as happened since my last actual post.
Erin's birthday was Monday. Happy Birthday Erin! <3 Matt and I went on an epic quest through 2 states looking for the widescreen version of the Indiana Jones Trilogy DVD boxset the Friday night before, which is what I wanted to get her. Everyone had it--no one had widescreen. Success came at about midnight at the Bristol, VA Blockbuster @ exit 7. I think I danced; I don't remember. She liked it =)
She spent the night Saturday and had her birthday get-together at Check E. Cheese's on Sunday morning. It ended up being us, Tessa, Karen, and Ali. Let it be known that Chuck E. Cheese's pizza sucks. Other than that, it was a good time. I couldn't really say what all happened, as i spent pretty much the entire time playing motherfucking Sega Club Kart:

This game rocks your face. And I'll be going back very soon just to play it some more.
I also got a cat a few days ago. Another one. The previous cats I've had were more or less for Maria...but oddly enough I ended up being the one who liked them. So, living in my room alone again, I decided I wanted another. Erin and I Stopped in PetSmart on Tuesday (I think) and they just happened to be adopting some animals. I found a 2 year-old back cat named Tank whom I immediately decided was coming home with me. He's f'ing huge, and like 110% muscle...more minature puma than housecat, lol. And he has the shiniest, softest fur, ever. He was pretty timid when I first got him here, and stayed under the bed most of the time, but he's slowly becoming more sociable. I've grown quite attatched to him.
There's probably more I could write about, but I really wasn't in the mood to even type what I have. Not in a bad mood or anything, just not feeling like typing much of anything. Oh, I got the tire on my car fixed this morning, which is good. Afterwards I drove over to Erin's for the first time. We went to Wal-Mart for a few things, then to Cheddars to eat where we shared an orgasm over the cookie-monster ice cream thing they have...she's supposed to come over after work. Mmmm...that's all for now.
Erin's birthday was Monday. Happy Birthday Erin! <3 Matt and I went on an epic quest through 2 states looking for the widescreen version of the Indiana Jones Trilogy DVD boxset the Friday night before, which is what I wanted to get her. Everyone had it--no one had widescreen. Success came at about midnight at the Bristol, VA Blockbuster @ exit 7. I think I danced; I don't remember. She liked it =)
She spent the night Saturday and had her birthday get-together at Check E. Cheese's on Sunday morning. It ended up being us, Tessa, Karen, and Ali. Let it be known that Chuck E. Cheese's pizza sucks. Other than that, it was a good time. I couldn't really say what all happened, as i spent pretty much the entire time playing motherfucking Sega Club Kart:

This game rocks your face. And I'll be going back very soon just to play it some more.
I also got a cat a few days ago. Another one. The previous cats I've had were more or less for Maria...but oddly enough I ended up being the one who liked them. So, living in my room alone again, I decided I wanted another. Erin and I Stopped in PetSmart on Tuesday (I think) and they just happened to be adopting some animals. I found a 2 year-old back cat named Tank whom I immediately decided was coming home with me. He's f'ing huge, and like 110% muscle...more minature puma than housecat, lol. And he has the shiniest, softest fur, ever. He was pretty timid when I first got him here, and stayed under the bed most of the time, but he's slowly becoming more sociable. I've grown quite attatched to him.
There's probably more I could write about, but I really wasn't in the mood to even type what I have. Not in a bad mood or anything, just not feeling like typing much of anything. Oh, I got the tire on my car fixed this morning, which is good. Afterwards I drove over to Erin's for the first time. We went to Wal-Mart for a few things, then to Cheddars to eat where we shared an orgasm over the cookie-monster ice cream thing they have...she's supposed to come over after work. Mmmm...that's all for now.
Miss you. Maybe when i get home we can share another orgasm... at cheddars.
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