Good times and aching legs
Been quite awhile since my last update. Like usual, I couldn't hope to include everything between then and now, because there's simply too much... I'll try to hit the big stuff:
Erin bought me Halo 2 while she was in Chattanooga visitng her family. I had to sell my previous copy during money woes (i.e. paying both my rent and someone who doesn't live here anymore). So since I had Xbox Live back (Thanks, Will) she actually picked it up for me...just out of the blue.
On the topic of Halo 2, we had the first Halo party here in a long ass time last saturday. Wes and Will both came, Garrett was here, and Wes brought his younger bro and some of his friends. There was only 7 of us, but it was still a blast. It was pretty spur of the moment, so we're going to try to plan it a little better next time, and get some more people. Like, you know, 16 people...
I got a new job, at Kmart. The best thing about it is that its a hell of a lot closer than Charter was. I start next Tuesday. me in the 'sporting goods' section. *shrug*
Yesterday Erin and I went to Dennis Cove, because I'd never been (or even heard of it, for that matter). It not far outside of Elizabethton. When we got there, there was a sign and hiking trail down to some waterfall called 'Laurel Falls'. I've been thinking about getting pretty serious into hiking lately, and it sounded cool, so I suggested that we actually hike down to the falls. So we did...and son of a bitch I'm out of shape. The trail starts out pretty pedestrian, but then turns rugged in a hurry. And silly us, we didn't know we were going to be we didn't bring water or any other kinds of fluids to drink. Yeah, it was hot. Soooo hot. The funny thing is that to actually get to the falls we could have walked about half as far as we actually did, but the trail forks at one point, and we went the wrong way completely. And kept going that way for, oh, probably about 30 minutes before we realized it. We then had to turn back around and head back to the right section of the trail that leads down to Laurel Falls...which happens to pretty much go straight down. Someone managed to kind of make steps out of some rocks at parts, but at other you had to just find you're own footing. At this point we were both exhausted, but I figured since we'd come that far we might as well climb down to see the falls. I should have known it was going to be bad whenever it was painful to climb downhill. We eventually made it to the bottom, and the end result was beautiful:

We stayed at the bottom and admired the view for around 20 minutes. It was nice; being down in the valley the sun was hidden behind the mountain and there was a nice mist coming off of the waterfall. The trip back up to the main trail was one of the most strenuous(sp?) things I've done in a long time. We both had a stop a few times to catch our breath and rest our legs...leading me to the realization of just how out of shape I am, lol. This was hard shit. We got back to the car about 45 minutes later, completely spent. But it was absolutely worthwhile and I'd go again in a heartbeat. In fact, I plan on it. Probably the best thing about it, however, was the time spent with Erin. We talked the entire time, about anything and everything. Good times =)
Obviously, I've seen Revenge of the Sith since I posted last. At Abingdon Cinemall, on opening night of course. I'd had my and Erin's tickets for over a month in anticipation. Abingdon had installed a completely new "Shockwave Cinema Sound" sound system just for the movie, and a few days before opening we learned they only have it in 4 of the 14 theaters they were showing the movie in. Soooo, in order to reinforce out Star Wars hardcoreness--which had to be done by viewing the movie in one of said theaters, at any cost--myself, Garrett, Will, and Matt all arrived at the theater at around 6:00 to stand in line. One of the managers there was even cool enough to let us save 2 seats for Tessa and Erin who had to work until 10:30. Waiting wasn't that bad. We had GBAs for everyone, and at one point Matt and I went out to the lobby and beat L.A. Machine Guns (\m/) and I beat SW Trilogy Arcade on 1 credit. Again.
The movie itself deserves its own seperate post, which I'll probably write up in a few days. I'll say that it's probably the best in the series, but I was pretty pissed off at some of the cuts that were made *cough*Qui-Gon*cough*. I guess that's what I get for being a spoiler-hound. I'll cross my fingers for the DVD. It was the last time I'll ever see a new Star Wars movie for the first time. And I saw it with my closest friends.
I had more stuff to write about, but I think I'm done for now. I could save myself alot of trouble by updating this more periodically. Might write more later. The Coca-Cola 600 is on tonight; whoooo!
Erin bought me Halo 2 while she was in Chattanooga visitng her family. I had to sell my previous copy during money woes (i.e. paying both my rent and someone who doesn't live here anymore). So since I had Xbox Live back (Thanks, Will) she actually picked it up for me...just out of the blue.
On the topic of Halo 2, we had the first Halo party here in a long ass time last saturday. Wes and Will both came, Garrett was here, and Wes brought his younger bro and some of his friends. There was only 7 of us, but it was still a blast. It was pretty spur of the moment, so we're going to try to plan it a little better next time, and get some more people. Like, you know, 16 people...
I got a new job, at Kmart. The best thing about it is that its a hell of a lot closer than Charter was. I start next Tuesday. me in the 'sporting goods' section. *shrug*
Yesterday Erin and I went to Dennis Cove, because I'd never been (or even heard of it, for that matter). It not far outside of Elizabethton. When we got there, there was a sign and hiking trail down to some waterfall called 'Laurel Falls'. I've been thinking about getting pretty serious into hiking lately, and it sounded cool, so I suggested that we actually hike down to the falls. So we did...and son of a bitch I'm out of shape. The trail starts out pretty pedestrian, but then turns rugged in a hurry. And silly us, we didn't know we were going to be we didn't bring water or any other kinds of fluids to drink. Yeah, it was hot. Soooo hot. The funny thing is that to actually get to the falls we could have walked about half as far as we actually did, but the trail forks at one point, and we went the wrong way completely. And kept going that way for, oh, probably about 30 minutes before we realized it. We then had to turn back around and head back to the right section of the trail that leads down to Laurel Falls...which happens to pretty much go straight down. Someone managed to kind of make steps out of some rocks at parts, but at other you had to just find you're own footing. At this point we were both exhausted, but I figured since we'd come that far we might as well climb down to see the falls. I should have known it was going to be bad whenever it was painful to climb downhill. We eventually made it to the bottom, and the end result was beautiful:

We stayed at the bottom and admired the view for around 20 minutes. It was nice; being down in the valley the sun was hidden behind the mountain and there was a nice mist coming off of the waterfall. The trip back up to the main trail was one of the most strenuous(sp?) things I've done in a long time. We both had a stop a few times to catch our breath and rest our legs...leading me to the realization of just how out of shape I am, lol. This was hard shit. We got back to the car about 45 minutes later, completely spent. But it was absolutely worthwhile and I'd go again in a heartbeat. In fact, I plan on it. Probably the best thing about it, however, was the time spent with Erin. We talked the entire time, about anything and everything. Good times =)
Obviously, I've seen Revenge of the Sith since I posted last. At Abingdon Cinemall, on opening night of course. I'd had my and Erin's tickets for over a month in anticipation. Abingdon had installed a completely new "Shockwave Cinema Sound" sound system just for the movie, and a few days before opening we learned they only have it in 4 of the 14 theaters they were showing the movie in. Soooo, in order to reinforce out Star Wars hardcoreness--which had to be done by viewing the movie in one of said theaters, at any cost--myself, Garrett, Will, and Matt all arrived at the theater at around 6:00 to stand in line. One of the managers there was even cool enough to let us save 2 seats for Tessa and Erin who had to work until 10:30. Waiting wasn't that bad. We had GBAs for everyone, and at one point Matt and I went out to the lobby and beat L.A. Machine Guns (\m/) and I beat SW Trilogy Arcade on 1 credit. Again.
The movie itself deserves its own seperate post, which I'll probably write up in a few days. I'll say that it's probably the best in the series, but I was pretty pissed off at some of the cuts that were made *cough*Qui-Gon*cough*. I guess that's what I get for being a spoiler-hound. I'll cross my fingers for the DVD. It was the last time I'll ever see a new Star Wars movie for the first time. And I saw it with my closest friends.
I had more stuff to write about, but I think I'm done for now. I could save myself alot of trouble by updating this more periodically. Might write more later. The Coca-Cola 600 is on tonight; whoooo!
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