

Kind of a slow day. But a good day. Erin came over last night after work and spent the night...which was, *ahem*, fun. I helped E.J rearrange all of the crap that's just sitting around the living room/kitchen area so we could put together this corner-couch his friend gave him. At first, I honestly thought the thing was hideous, but now that it's put together its not bad at all. It'll be nice for whenever we have the next Halo 2 LAN party.

I've been downloading CDs most of the day, like the no-good broke ass pirate I am. As I was explaining to Erin earlier...I don't really like burning CDs and only do so when I can't afford to buy the actual CD. The burnt copy instead serves as a nice placeholder and reminds me to buy that particular album when I do have some money. No, really.

I watched some random VOD (Video on Demand) stuff earlier too. Mainly some documentaries on HBO. Documentaries are awesome. I watched one called "Autopsy: Sex Crimes" that was actually more about about using Forensic science to solve sex crimes rather than actual full-on autopsy footage as the description read. After that I watched part of this other one called "Flesh and Blood" which was about a year in the life of this woman who was a single-mother and who currently had under her care 13 adopted special-needs children including kids that had been severaly burnt, had no legs, were mentally retarded, and just about any other disability you could think of. It was actually very touching...except for the parts with the kid that had cystic fibrosis(sp?) as well as ADD who was always having these violent outbursts because he didn't get what he wanted and telling the other kids to "suck his dick" and stuff like that. I think he was 12, lol.

I start K-Mart Tuesday. I'm actually semi-excited.

I'm going to spend the rest of the day finishing my C++ book and working on some pixel-art.


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