
Headaches suck.

Been a slow day. I've spent the early afternoon trying to get some of the boring crap out of the way. Most of the dishes are done, as is my laundry. I fed Tank and changed his litter as well. I still need to vacuum.

I have a headache. I took some generic Tylenol earlier, but I still feel pretty much the same. It doesn't hurt too bad...it's just kind of there--constant. Just enough to be annoying. I talked to Erin a few times today. Her parents went back home this morning. On the subject of her parents, they've been in town since Saturday. I hadn't met them yet, so when they got here I was invited to go eat at Ridgewood with them. I was sweating bullets the whole way there. From what Erin had told me, it's not that her parents are mean or hard to get along with or anything like that. They just expect alot from their daughter and I just happen to be the guy she's dating. I'm in between jobs, have a shitty car, and dropped out of college after one semester. Oh, and my career goal hinges on making video games. I think I'm just fine, and so does Erin, but I wasn't too sure what her parents would think... But everything went pretty well. She says they like me, and that I was very nice. So that's good. We all played Yahtzee at her apartment afterwards. I'd never played before, but I won, heh.

Right now Erin's hanging out with Tessa. I called a little while ago and Tessa answered Erin's phone. Told me they were playing some bondage games and that Erin was bound and gagged at the moment, that she'd call me back afterwards. That was like an hour or two ago, so things must be getting pretty kinky over there. I believe she's spending the night tonight <3

Myself, Garrett, and now Wes are all still working on the CCG pc game I mentioned in few entries back. And we're making real progress. I think the coolest thing is that we've all fallen into distinct, defined roles. Garrett is handling the design of the game system--the rules, the card types, ect...Wes is taking on the task of creating the game's story and characters, as well as crafting the general tone and setting of the game...and I'm mainly focusing on the actual programming, design schematics, and production of the game itself. We all met here in person for the first time Thursday night, and talked over some early ideas and details for about 4-5 hours...made some real progress. The thing is, I've been involved in some group-oriented game projects with friends before (which have always fizzled out), but this is the first time that everyone involved seems to be really, truly passionate about what we're trying to accomplish. And it rubs off. I'm confident that this is finally going the project that I finish...the one that launches me into the industry.

I'd mention some more specific details about the game, but instead I think I'm going to start a seperate, development blog to use throughout the production of the game. I enjoy reading other development blogs...and since this will be my first full project I think it would be fun as well as advantageous to keep one. I'll post a link here when I get it set up.


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