
"Look at the size of that whammer!"

Erin and I are going to see Hellboy II tonight! I'm pretty excited. I'd watch the original in anticipation, but I let someone at work borrow it. Right now I am trying to make oven BBQ chicken and some other stuff for Erin before she gets home from class. I wish we had a grill... We have some community grills here at the apartments but I'd much rather have my own.

Sega released a demo of Phantasy Star Universe for PSP yesterday so I've been messing with that. It's a Japanese demo but I've played the Xbox 360 version so much I can more or less navigate the menus blindfolded anyway. The game will soon be able to suck up my free time even when I'm not at home. I've also been thinking about restarting a game called Ace Online (formerly Space Cowboy). Its basically an MMO game where instead of creating a character you create a ship that you get to fly around and customize and even battle other people. It's free and was kind of a stopgap for me until I originally bought PSU.

I have to work again this weekend... It sucks but I need to make up for lost time for the 4th of July anyway. We need extra money for all the movies coming out in the next few weeks anyway (Step Brothers, Batman IMAX).


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