
"...but you can call me, Jeimuzu"

Well, here we go, my first post on this thing... Took my awhile to get the random image thing at the top to work, which was the main thing holding me back from making an actual entry. I still have more stuff i want to add on the right-side, like a picture of me, and some cool links... Otherwise I'm oretty happy with this... I just happened to find the site accidently and really, really liked it. I'm still going to keep my livejournal (i've had it way too long)...but I'm not sure in what capacity, exactly.

I just got home from work (so will start probably most of my entries here)...we were hella busy for the third day in a row, so my wrists are pretty limp from non-stop typing/mouse-using action. Thus, this will probably be fairly brief. Maria is out with Cody, and no one else is here either, so it's just me... After doing this I'm probably going to attack the bathroom, as it hasn't been cleaned in quite awhile. Afterwards I'm going to enjoy my handywork by indulging in a long, hot shower. I woke up late this morning, so I had to throw on clothes and go. It'd probably be best if I got the funk off before Maria got home. Speaking of which, when she does get back, we'll probably head out to Wal-Mart sometime after midnight to do some much-needed grocery shopping. And so should go the rest of my night; and then its back to work at 11:15 tomorrow....

Something else of note: Will got a video camera. A nice one, apparently. He was going to bring it by last night, but something else came up, so I'm not sure when he'll actually be bringing it by. Reguardless, it is now only a matter of time before the Cock Force is fully unleashed. And god knows what else...lol. But yeah...that's about it. I guess this is a sorry ass first post, but it's all I've got in me tonight.


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